What Is Hard Drives In Hindi ! Types Of Hard Disk In Hindi.

What happens to Hard Disk? What makes HDD Disk? What is the type of hard disk? If you are a Normal Computer User who just wants to know Computer Basic Details, then this article is very important for you. If you want to know about A To Z Computer Information, bookmark and subscribe this website right now because the Daily Article is published on computer information.
Do not know when it happens with us that keeps us in memory for a long time. One day, I came out with my friends to stroll in the evening. What is the difference between the modern age of our modern computer era, how the science is changing the Impossible to the Possib. Speaking on the loss, the computer parts and internet connection started to speak.
At the same time, one of my friends stopped interrupting me and asked, “Brother, wait what is this hard disk?” That’s when my friend started laughing. You do not know so much and you handle computers. You should know about Computer Types, you should also know what the hard disk is, as well as the information of other tools you should have.
For some time it seemed that he was joking but really did not know about Computer Hard Disk. Then we did not think that at the same time all the information was made to a normal computer user. Even with my friend Hard Disk Information was not the same as he did not need it.
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Hard Disk In Hindi ! What is Hard Disk In Computer ! What is Hard Disk In Hindi.

Hard drive itself is also called Fixed Hard Disk. The hard disk meets the many sizes and capabilities, but the hard disk drive’s texture and functionality are almost the same. A hard disk is a group of circular magnetic disco engaged at the same distance. On the surfaces of each disk there is a coagulation of a magnetic substance on which magnetic symbols are formed.
Hard Disk Definition is to be made, it is made up of several types of elements. Today’s computers are usually designed in modern ways, with a hard disk being anywhere from trillions of trillion byte storage.
The top and bottom is stored on other elements except the external surfaces of the disk. There is a separate readright hand for such visibility, which can move back and forth. Hard disk structure can be seen through the hard disk picture given below.
Hard Disk This is a disc made of many different things. Discs are rotated at a faster speed in a hardisk, with rotation speed up to 3600 rotation per minute. Speaking of Hard Disk Parts, more things like head arm, spindle, readright head, plates, tracks and sectors are used which are given below.
  • Read Write Head,
  • Mounting Chassis,
  • Bezel,
  • Sealed chamber,
  • Disk Platters,
  • Head Arm,
  • Head Actuator,
  • Drive Electronics PCB,
  • Head Electronics,
  • Anti Vibration Mount.
There is a difference of 0.064 inches between the read right head and the disk surface. All countries revolve together and all read-write heads can be back together, but only one read-write hand is selected to write and read data. Thus, selecting the various read-write hawks, data can be written from any sector of any surface or written on it.
The latest Hard Disk Capacity is up to 200 gigabytes. Special types of hard disks are also available for personal computers, also known as Winchester Disks. Speaking of Hard Disk Storage, they range from 20 gigabytes to 80 gigabytes.
Hard disk information is a reliable way of storing the information and speed of using HardDisk is also sufficient. But it is very sensitive to dust etc., due to which these are permanently locked in a compartment and placed inside the System Unit (System Unit).
A hard disk is formed by mixing all these small parts. That’s why whenever you want to open a hard drive to know it, you have got the full information first. Do You Know Hard Disk Kaare Repair? If you do not get the answer then you will first need a full computer course which will continue to be available here.
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Types of Hard Disk In Hindi! Types of hard disk.

If today’s talk is made, there are two types of hard disks in which the first is the Internal Hard Disk and the second is External Hard Disk. Currently there are four types of Hard Disk, whose information is given below.
  1. Serial ATA (SATA)
  2. Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA),
  3. Solid State Drives (SSD),
  4. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI).
Before any user has to buy a good disk, it should be used for understanding. Information about all the hard drives below is to be used for which computer / server.
Sr.No.ParticularsDrive TypesInterface
1Video codingHDDSATA
2Data storage’sHDDSATA
3Backup systemsHDDSATA
4Large but not high loaded serversHDDSATA
5Database management systemsHDDSAS
6High loaded web serversHDDSAS
71С serverHDDSAS
8High-load projectsSSDSATA
Let’s see now what is the use of these four disks and the details? See Usage Of Hard Disk in a little bit more detail.
> Important – Here is a best video about increase any drive space without computer formatting.
  • SATA.
The full name of the SATA Hard Disk is the Serial Advanced Technology Attachment that works to add the Serial interface of Connected Drives. The SATA interface handles large data volumes at low speeds. With its low cost and good functionality, it becomes available. That’s why this is the reason that it is now commonly used in PC and Server Hardware.
  • PATA.
The SATA in hard drive changed the PATA drive to the desktop and laptop computers. The main difference between the two is the Intarface, although the process of connecting the computer is similar to both. Given the SATA Disk Drive Advantages, the use of PATA drives is now no more.
  • SSD.
SSD Drive is the latest hard disk that is currently used in the computer area. These are completely different from other drives that do not include moving parts. They do not store data using magnetism, but rather use SSD Flash Memory Technology.
They use integrated circuits or semiconductor devices to store disk data permanently and keep it stored until it is erased.
  • SCSI or SAS.
The SAS itself is briefly called Serial Attached SCSI. This is a serial interface for adding hard disk drives based on the SCSI command set. One thing of SAS is not good that its price is much higher than the other. The SAS interface operates at a rate of up to 1,200 MB / sec, with Throughput up to 12 GB / sec.
Special Thanks HindiEduSupport For Sharing Useful Information About What Is Hard Disk In Hindi In English.

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